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Intent to Strike - CSU-UPI Chapter: Teachers and Support Staff

UPI - University Professionals of Illinois, Local 4100


Why did CSU-UPI chapter issue an intent to strike?

The faculty believe that you, our students, deserve access to a quality education, and that our university must invest in the faculty to ensure that you have the best possible teachers who are trained and equipped with modern tools to help you prepare for your careers.


Here are some specific faculty concerns.


  • Teaching classes and getting less pay for each hour spent in the classroom.

  • CSU Faculty have the lowest average salaries among state schools.

  • Faculty are forced to leave CSU in some cases because of non-competitive salaries.

  • Overworked educational support staff are not provided with tools to ensure your success.

  • CSU does not prioritize students when they do not invest in faculty and support staff.


Faculty working conditions are your learning conditions!


We will continue to work towards a fair contract and will not stop until one is achieved. We don't want to strike. Our fight is for many things of direct benefit to you, like retaining quality faculty, and more time for students.


While we continue to bargain in good faith for a fair contract, the administration has moved very little, and has refused to move more on salary increases, sticking with an amount that does not even keep up with inflation.


Is the strike going to happen on 4/3?

While we hope it doesn't have to happen, it is possible that a strike may occur. Bargaining will continue, and the results can prevent a strike. We are going to work to bring about a fair contract agreement as soon as possible.


Why did faculty issue an intent to strike now?

We have been bargaining since June 6, 2022. We are at a point in the bargaining process where salaries and some additional protections are left to negotiate. Considering that CSU moved very little in their latest offer, we are not confident that they will make significant movement without a strike.


How long will the strike last if it happens?

There is no way to know for sure. If we do strike, we will be out of the classroom until a mutually acceptable contract is negotiated.


How can I support CSU-UPI in fighting for a fair contract and better education at CSU? 

Write to CSU President Scott ( and the CSU Board of Trustees ( and urge her team to negotiate a fair contract for UPI members.

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